
Holy TrinityC of E Primary School

Living, loving and learning with God

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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!


Welcome to Class 5, taught by Mr Hutchinson and supported by Mrs Bostock.

Welcome Back Class 5


During our last week of term we were able to welcome back a small bubble of Class 5 children (Ali Haider, Adil, Subhan Isiam, Hamza and Mahanoor), dubbed the Alligator bubble. It was wonderful to have the children back with us including a new member to our class, Mariyam. They had the opportunity to spend time in the new classroom for class 5 (the old staff room) and to meet the new Class 6 teacher, Mr Harrison. The children were very sensible and showed how they had matured during the lock down, quickly getting used to the new school routines. We had a lot of fun being back together and the children produced some spectacular work that can be seen below. 


We look forward to having the rest of Class 5 back with us at Holy Trinity in September, until then enjoy the summer holidays.



World Book Day.


Class 5 celebrated World Book Day by sharing stories with Holy Trinity's youngest readers in Reception. Class 5 did a fantastic job and Reception proved to be very attentive listeners.



Class 5 recently visited the City of York as part of our Viking topic of study in History. We had a fantastic time learning about how the city was once a Viking settlement of the Danelaw known as Jorvik. We had an opportunity to visit the museum, handle ancient artefacts and went on a ride to discover that not all Vikings were vicious.

Spring Term 2


This half-term we will be:


  • Reading Shackleton’s Journey and writing a motivational speech and a book review.
  • Developing our grammar, punctuation and spelling; focussing upon applying prefixes.
  • Improving our reading comprehension skills by practising a range of different types of questions.
  • Ordering, adding and subtracting decimals. Finding percentages of larger amounts.
  • Examining different forces in science.
  • Visiting the Jorvik Viking Centre to learn more about the Vikings.
  • Designing and making our own Viking longboats.
  • Discussing who Jesus was in R.E.
  • Communicating in French.


Things to note:


  • Dinner money is £11.50 for the week – please bring it in on a Monday.
  • P.E is on a Thursday this year – please help your child to remember their kit. This half-term the children will be studying basketball.
  • Learning log challenges will be handed out on a Friday to be returned by the following Thursday.  Please encourage your child to complete the tasks to a high standard.
  • Spellings will be sent home on a Friday to be practised for a test on Thursday.
  • Home reading should continue for at least 15 minutes each day. Your child has a home reading record book in which they write down the books and complete some short book reviews.
  • Additional homework tasks will be sent home as appropriate. 

Spring Term 1


LEARNING: During this half term we shall be reading How to Train your Dragon, writing a character description and instructions. In Mathermatics we will read and interpretate data from graphs and tables whilst also ordering, adding, subtracting and multiplying fractions. In science we shall conduct experiments to further examine the properties of a variety of materials and exploring changes to states of matter. Whilst researching who the Vikings were in history, we will further study their way of life by visiting the Jorvik Centre in York! Finally, we will investigate how we can have a healthy life style by making our own bread.

HOMEWORK: Learning Log tasks are taken home each Friday to be returned the following Thursday. The children have completed some impressive pieces already this year, including their own narratives and monstrous sea creatures.  In addition to the learning logs, the children also bring home spellings on a Friday for a test the following Thursday. Home reading books are changed regularly and we ask that the children spend at least 10 minutes reading each night. Your child will also be bringing home a library book to enjoy.

PE KIT: Please ensure that the children have their kit (black shorts, white t-shirt and pumps/trainers) in school each Monday.


It will be an exciting term. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mr Hutchinson
