
Holy TrinityC of E Primary School

Living, loving and learning with God

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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!


The teachers in Year 4 are:


Ms. Aslam (Class Teacher) – Monday and Tuesday 

Mrs Fiaz (Class Teacher) - Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

Mrs Hill (Assistant) – Monday and Tuesday

Mrs Munir (Assistant)- Tuesday morning, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday





Spring 2



In English we will be reading ‘Varjak Paw’ by SF Said. This is an exciting story with a great blend of mystery and mysticism. It has strong characters, themes and dilemmas, there will be plenty of opportunities to discuss and explore. The children will be writing a narrative towards the end of the unit. 



In Maths we will be learning about fractions. Pupils will be introduced to hundredths. They will learn about

*mixed number fractions and improper fractions

*how to convert between mixed numbers

*improper fractions

*how to add and subtract fractions

*will solve addition and subtraction word problems.

We will also learn about the 12 hour and 24-hour clock. Children will

*convert between units of time, such as hours, minutes and seconds.

Pupils will learn how to solve time problems involving conversions and will calculate durations of time in relation to word problems.


Children will continue to practise their time tables using Times Tables Rock Stars. Each child has login details, please encourage them to practise at home. 




In Science we will be looking at ‘How could we survive without water?’  In this topic Year 4 will be investigating whether we could survive without water.  The children will explore the properties of the three key states: solid, liquid and gas. They will use scientific language and equipment like thermometers.  The class will work independently and in groups to set up enquiries about matter changing from one state to another. 



Swimming is an integral part of the Physical Education curriculum. We are delighted to inform you that we have arranged to take Year 4 swimming during this term. This will be at the Castle Leisure Centre. It is a two week course (Monday 24th February till March 6th.) The children will attend every day; the session will be from 11am till 12pm.

Your child will need to bring with them the correct swimming clothing:

· Girls: One piece costume

· Boys: Trunks or swimming shorts (should be above the knee length) ·

All children will be required to bring

· A towel.

· A brush or comb.

· A plastic bag for wet costumes.

All items should be clearly labelled. No jewellery at all must be worn.


If you have any questions please see Mrs Fiaz or Ms. Aslam.

Thank you again for your continued support.


Spring 1


This half term our French lessons are on a Friday afternoon.  


We will be having P.E on a Monday afternoon. Please could you ensure that your child has the correct P.E kit with them in school on the correct day.


In English we are reading 'Pebble in my Pocket', with a poem and a recount. 

Maths will be all about multiplication, division and graphs. In Science we will be learning about electricity and circuits. Geography will be all about cities, the importance of transport and rivers. 


Learning log tasks will come home on Friday. Please ensure they are back by the following Thursday and please continue with the fantastic support you have given the children to produce their learning logs tasks. Spellings will be given on a Monday and tested every Friday. 


If you have any questions please see Mrs Fiaz or Ms. Aslam.


Thank you again for your continued support.
