
Holy TrinityC of E Primary School

Living, loving and learning with God

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Rights Respecting School Award

Holy Trinity is a Rights Respecting School.

As a rights respecting school we at Holy Trinity follow the UNICEF UK Rights Respecting School Award (RRSA) programme. This is an award based on equality, dignity, respect, non-discrimination and participation.

As a Rights Respecting school we encourage the children and the school community to work together to learn about children’s rights and put them into practice everyday.

Rights Respecting schools are dedicated to putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) at the heart of our school ethos enabling all children to develop their abilities, interests and talents, allowing them to flourish and thrive while at Holy Trinity.


The RRSA consists of 3 stages:

Bronze Stage – Rights Committed

Silver Stage – Rights Aware

Gold Stage – Rights Respecting

Holy Trinity is proud to be at the Bronze stage and we are on the journey towards Silver.

The UNCRC consists of 42 Articles, which are also known as rights. These are all rights which children should have.



United Nation Convention on the Rights of the Child - Articles 1-42

Meet our Student Council 2023-2024


Our School Council meets once a week to discuss current issues and to contribute to decisions regarding all aspects of school life such as, playground equipment and fundraising.

Rights can be seen all around Holy Trinity. All classes have class charters, which have been chosen by the children in each class as ones they want to focus on.



Class Charters


All our planning has been amended to include the Articles from the UNCRC. Therefore children are learning about their rights through their lessons and assemblies also have a focus on rights.

Below is our certificate which we received when we achieved Bronze.

If you would like any further information regarding the Rights Respecting Schols Award, follow the link below.
