
Holy TrinityC of E Primary School

Living, loving and learning with God

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  • To provide all children with an education in music that is stimulating, enriching and inspiring through curricular and extra-curricular learning.
  •  To encourage confidence in all the children through their involvement in music thus promoting individuals interest, self –reliance and motivation.
  •  To develop an understanding and appreciation of different types of music and increase their ability to make judgments of musical quality.  




  • To teach music through the National Curriculum and the Creative Development area of learning from the Foundation Stage.
  • To promote all the children’s achievements in music within the school and the wider community.
  •  To provide all children with the opportunity to express themselves creatively and to develop their musical skills through an understanding of pitch, rhythm, dynamics, duration, timbre, texture and structure, using both instruments and voices.
  •  To develop performing, composing and appraising skills by applying listening skills and knowledge and understanding of music.
  • To become increasingly aware of how music is produced, for example, through the use of instruments and musical processes including relevant symbols and notation. 

Music Policy

Music Overview
