
Holy TrinityC of E Primary School

Living, loving and learning with God

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Year 2


Hello and welcome to Year 2! laugh


We are delighted to be your new teachers and look forward to working with you and your families this year.


Ms Ali teaches Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Miss Entwistle teaches in Year 2 on Thursday, Friday but is in school on Mondays.  

Mrs Blakeley and Mrs Munir support the children within class.


The newsletter is attached below which outlines routines and what your child will be learning this half term.


If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact a member of staff. You can get in touch using the class email address


Thank you. 

Click below to find our more about your class teachers. 

Class charity: Bury Blind Society

In year 2 we will be supporting a local charity which is Bury Society for Blind & Partially Sighted People. This provides a variety of services which aim to enhance the quality of life for all visually impaired people. The Society was founded in 1922 and they have just celebrated their 100 year anniversary. We are looking forward to working with the charity and supporting them in their special centenary year. 
