Home Learning: Week Beginning 12th July
Hi year 3 and welcome to the last week of term.
I hope you have all had a good week. It has been good to catch up with some of you this week, whether through our Zoom call on Thursday, being able to welcome some of you back to school for a little while or through my weekly phone calls. Your final pieces of Purple Mash homework have been set for you but remember you will still be able to log on to Purple Mash in the holidays.
The theme of this weeks homework is to think about what you would like to achieve before you come back to school in September. I hope to see plenty of your ideas this week!
email: year3@holytrinitybury.org.uk
Hi to everyone in year three,
Well, it was wonderful to see those children who joined me, Mrs Hill, Miss Wylie and Mrs Knott last week for out Zoom meeting. we all had a lovely time. I hope you can make it again this week and I will be sending you a user link and password for this Thursday at 2pm.
I hope that you have all had a great week and thank you to those of you that have completed homework and have participated in home learning this week.
Your Purple Mash activities have been set for you. Please complete the tasks. Any photo's of home learning or questions can be sent to year3@holytrinitybury.org.uk
Mrs Greenhalgh
Home Learning 29th June
Hi year three!
I hope you are all well and that you enjoyed last week's beautiful weather. I'm looking outside my window and what a difference a week makes!
Thank you to those of you who completed your home learning last week and for your lovely pictures, creations and activities. This week is Children's art week 2020 with a theme of the natural world. You will see that this week's home learning grid focuses on this. There are also activities set for you on Purple Mash. Please send me pictures of your creations to year3@holytrinitybury.org.uk
Have a great week!
Mrs Greenhalgh
Hi year 3 and welcome to another week of home learning,
This week looks set to be a week of beautiful weather which will be fantastic for Holy Trinity Virtual Sports week. Look at the timetable for activities.
This weeks home learning tasks are based around the home, have a look at the tasks set below. Your Purple Mash tasks have also been set for this week.
Thank you to those children who have sent me pictures of the work they have completed in the last few weeks your pictures have been uploaded and can be seen in the slide show below. I was also very impressed with your beautiful mosaics this week. Take a look at those pictures too!
Any questions or pictures of the work that you have been completing please contact me at year3@holytrinitybury.org.uk
Have a great week!
Mrs Greenhalgh
Hello year three and welcome to another week of home school learning.
As you can see I celebrated a special birthday this week when my son celebrated his 18th birthday. Above is the cake I made him. It was very tasty! Thank you for the photos of your own celebrations that have been sent this week. Take a look below.
This week's home school learning grid is all about designing and making pancakes and as you will see one of the purple mash tasks that I have set for you is to make a leaflet about the pancakes that you have made. Thank you to those children that always complete homework. Please contact me at year3@holytrinitybury.org.uk with your questions and homework contributions.
Thank you once again Mrs Greenhalgh
Hello year 3 and welcome to another week of home learning.
Thank you to those children who completed last week's homework tasks on Purple Mash and in the homework document below. I really enjoyed reading your stories and looking at your beautiful paintings. Below are some of your pictures. Your new Purple Mash activities have been set for you to complete. Please complete the new home learning activities set below in the document. Any questions or photos please contact me at year3@holytrinitybury.org.uk
Have a great week.
Mrs Greenhalgh
Home Learning: Week beginning 1st June
Hi Year 3,
Hope you have all had a lovely Eid and half term. This week's home learning grid is below.
Thank you to those of you who have sent me your Eid pictures. If anyone else has any Eid pictures or any others please send them to me at year3@holytrinitybury.org.uk. This week's 2do tasks have been set for you on Purple Mash. Any Questions pleas email at the above address.
Many thanks Mrs Greenhalgh
Hi year 3,
I hope you are all well.
Meet my new friend Humpty Dumpty, I bumped into him on a walk earlier this week. He has inspired this week's home learning which is in the document below. Remember to send your pictures of the different things that you have been up to or have created to year3@holytrinitybury.org.uk. Your new tasks have also been set on Purple Mash, thank you to those children who regularly complete these.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me on the above email address.
Mrs Greenhalgh
Home Learning
A special shout out to Hamaad who has produced some great home learning this week!
Hello to everyone in year 3,
I hope you have had a lovely bank holiday weekend. Did you have a street party or dress up in red, white and blue? I'd love to see your pictures. Send them to year3@holytrinitybury.org.uk.
Below is this week's homework grid. There's a really interesting science experiment under the Let's explore section. Instructions can be found in the document below.
Thank you for all your Purple Mash work this week. I really enjoyed reading your work about friendship. Look at the pictures below, can you find yours?
If you have any questions email me at the address above.
Mrs Greenhalgh
Hello year 3,
it's been great to hear from you this week and thank you to those of you who have completed some homework and sent me email examples. It really has been lovely to see your pictures. This week marks an important date in history. On Friday it will be the 75th anniversary of VE day. I'm looking forward to seeing your creations to celebrate this date.
Thank you to those children who complete the activities set on Purple Mash and who send me their homework pictures. Please look at the pictures sent this week below. It's always great to talk to you. Please send your homework pictures to year3@holytrinitybury.org.uk
Home Learning Week Beginning: 27th April
Hello Year 3,
I hope you are all well and enjoying the lovely weather we have been having. It was great to chat to many of you last week and find out what you have been up to and learning. I have received some of the work that you have been completing via our email address year3@holytrinitybury.com. Thank you for your contributions below.
I have set five new tasks on Purple Mash and this week's home learning grid is on the documents below.
I would love to see some more pictures year 3 and hope you will be inspired to share your creations and home learning. Email year3@holytrinitybury.com with your pictures.
Home Learning Tasks week beginning 20th April
Hello everyone!
What a lovely sunny week we have had, next week looks to be just as good. I hope you have enjoyed the sunshine as much as I have.
I have set five new tasks for you all to complete using Purple Mash this week. Please login to view your work. One of these tasks is linked to a creative activity set below.
I can't wait to see all your work, photos and videos please share them with me via email
Mrs Greenhalgh
Home Learning: Week Beginning 13th April 2020
Hello everyone I hope you are all well. I have set five new home learning tasks on Purple Mash to complete for next week. Thank you to those of you who are actively completing the weekly tasks that I set. You should have received feedback for last week's work. It's always lovely to hear from you.
On this page you will also find a document that details other home learning tasks to be completed. Please complete this weeks activities and send photos of your work via email to year3@holytrinitybury.org.uk. I look forward to seeing it and any work completed will be put on the website for everyone to enjoy!
I hope to speak to everyone via telephone this week. In the meantime if you need logins for purple mash do not hesitate to contact me via email.
Home Learning Tasks.
During this period of school closure, please have your children continue their learning by following the attached timetable.
Please contact me by emailing year3@holytrinitybury.org.uk. Once I have got your address I will be able to get in touch with you too.
We appreciate your co-operation during this time