
Holy TrinityC of E Primary School

Living, loving and learning with God

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Year 5

Summer 2 Newsletter

Summer 1 Newsletter

 Welcome back children! (March 2021)

Hello children and parents of Year 5!

We are so delighted to be able to open school for all of our Holy Trinity family. It will bring us great joy to see you on Monday 8th March, bright and early! The teachers have already been busy preparing for the 4 weeks of school which will take us up to the Easter holidays. 


Although we will be back together again, some things in school will remain slightly different as we all get used to being together again in the classrooms. 


There will be a heavy focus on PSHE and Wellbeing. It is so important that we discuss our feelings, the changes we have faced and support the school community as it comes back together. To do this we will be using Place2Be resources over the 4 weeks. These resources are grouped into four themes (self-efficacy, hope, gratitude and connectedness), with each drawing upon some of the factors that underpin wellbeing and positive psychology. Similarly, we will be spending time in class discussing worries, strengths, hopes and dreams. 


Over the first week we will be aiming to build up the children's stamina for learning, beginning with team building activities and moving towards full English and maths lessons. We will reintroduce our school values; Love, Trust, Respect, Thanksgiving and Friendship and create some beautiful art and craft responses to each of these. 


To recapture the children's interest in learning, we will also be thinking about Awe and Wonder and introducing the children to some famous weird and wonderful places (KS2) and unusual animals (KS1).


Getting back to formal full week learning will be difficult for us all after this period of lockdown. But as we always do at Holy Trinity, we will work together and succeed. 


If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact a member of staff. 


Thank you. 

Spring 2 Newsletter

Hello to children and parents of Year 5! laugh  (January 2021)


Due to Covid19, school is currently closed to most children. However, your teachers are still available to teach and support you.


Mr Hutchinson teaches the class daily. 

Mrs Naeem and Mrs Munir support the children within class.


It has been such a strange start to 2021 for us all. However, during this lockdown, learning must continue. Class teachers are setting remote learning daily via Google Classroom.


Please head over to our Home Learning tab to learn more, or log straight onto Google Classroom to see which lessons await. laugh

Snapshots of home learning

Hello and welcome to Year 5! 


We are delighted to be your new teachers and look forward to working with you and your families this year. The children shall be taught by Mr Hutchinson and supported by Mrs Naeem and Mrs Munir.


It has been such a busy start of a new term and the children in class have already started learning so much. They have grown during their time away and have demonstrated great resilience and maturity since returning to the classroom. Below are some examples of the fantastic work they have produced so far.

Homework wc 28/12/20


I hope you are enjoying the holidays and are looking forward to coming back together next week. Please complete these homework tasks and bring into class on Wednesday 6th January.

Y5 birds 2.MOV

Still image for this video

Y5 birds 1.MOV

Still image for this video



This year's Harvest celebration focussed upon God's creation of the world. Year 5 thought about the creation of the birds in the sky and the fish in the ocean, writing impressive descriptive paragraphs and designing beautiful art scenes on Purple Mash.

Welcome Back Class 5


The Year 5 children have returned to school and It has been wonderful to have the them back with us. The children have been very sensible and showed how they have matured during the lock down, quickly getting used to the new school routines. We have a lot of fun being back together and the children have produced some spectacular work that can be seen below.
