
Holy TrinityC of E Primary School

Living, loving and learning with God

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Year 4

Friday 25th June- Year 4- Isolation

Below are some activities for you to complete whilst you are self isolating. 


We will be in contact with any further updates.


We hope you all stay in good health and will look forward to seeing you return to school soon. smiley

Monday 14th June - Year 4 Isolation


There has been a confirmed case of Covid19 in the Year 4 class. This means all children will need to self-isolate. During this time, it is expected you complete the work set here and email the work over


We will be in contact with any further updates.


We hope you all stay in good health and will look forward to seeing you return to school on Monday 21st June smiley

If you are self-isolating due to Covid19, school are here to support you and your family. It is important for children who are well to continue with their learning. Please follow the links below for lessons by Oak Academy for Year 4. It would be expected that these lessons would take your children 2 weeks to complete. 4 lessons per day, 1 from each subject. 


If you need any help with anything during your self-isolation period, please email the school office on or the class teacher on


We wish you well and pray for a speedy recovery smiley
