
Holy TrinityC of E Primary School

Living, loving and learning with God

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Aims and Objectives


  • To be able to listen, speak, read and write at age appropriate levels and to meet age-related expectations.
  • To become confident communicators, listening and responding appropriately to others.
  • To read fluently and with good understanding.
  • To have a positive attitude towards reading through the promotion of reading for pleasure and reading for information.
  • To read and listen to a variety of texts from a range of authors.
  • To acquire a wide vocabulary for use in speaking and writing.
  • To write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting language and style for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences.
  • To spell accurately, use punctuation appropriately, and speak and write using the grammatical conventions of Standard English.
  • To use the school handwriting font, developing a fully cursive style from Y2.

English Policy

Pathways to Write documents are used.  These can be discussed with Philippa Dunkin, English Lead but cannot be shared.

Documents include:-

Feature Keys Progression Document

Key Skills Progression Document
