
Holy TrinityC of E Primary School

Living, loving and learning with God

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Through the teaching of RE we enable children to:


Learn about Religion

We learn that

  • God who reveals the truth about himself and humanity through creation, the giving of the law, his action in history and through the prophets;
  • God who reveals himself ultimately in Jesus his Son, living among us and dying and rising for us;
  • God who reveals himself in his Spirit working in the living faith of the Church experienced through scripture, tradition and reason.


Learn from Religion

We learn from

  • an empathetic response to the Christian faith and a critical engagement with it;
  • responding personally to the stories and teachings of Jesus Christ;
  • examples of Christian living which give priority to the values of unconditional love, forgiveness, reconciliation, justice, compassion and faith.




Religious Education at Holy Trinity enables pupils to:

  • reflect theologically and explore the ultimate questions and challenges of life in today’s society;
  • reflect critically on the truth claims of Christian belief;
  • see how the truth of Christianity is relevant today;
  • understand the challenge faced by Christians in today’s pluralist and post-modern society;
  • develop the skills to handle the Bible text;
  • recognise that faith is based on commitment to a particular way of understanding God and the world;
  • begin to develop their own commitments, beliefs and values;
  • develop a sense of themselves as significant, unique and precious;
  • experience the breadth and variety of the Christian community;
  • engage in thoughtful dialogue with other faiths and traditions;
  • become active citizens, serving their neighbour;
  • find a reason for hope in a troubled world;
  • understand how religious faith can sustain believers in difficult circumstances and in the face of opposition.;


In today’s world we believe that children should be encouraged to foster a respect for the followers of the other world faiths. It is essential that this respect is based on an accurate and sympathetic understanding of those faiths.


Therefore at Holy Trinity we help pupils to:

  • learn about other faiths, their beliefs, traditions and practices and from them through encounter and dialogue;
  • recognise and respect those of all faiths in their search for God;
  • recognise areas of common belief and practice between different faiths;
  • enrich and expand their understanding of truth while remaining faithful to their own tradition;
  • enrich their own faith through examples of holy living in other traditions.

Manchester Diocesan Syllabus 2023

RE Progression of Skills

RE Overview 2023-4

RE Overview 2024-5
