We are now taking names and contact details for anyone wishing to have a place in our nursery from September 2020.
If you would like a place please contact the school office on 0161 764 2993
Thank you
In nursery the class teacher, Mrs Tonge is supported by Mrs Begum on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings and Thursday afternoon, Mrs Parveen on Monday and Tuesday afternoons and Mr Mahmood on Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday.
Every child has a wonderful time at Holy Trinity’s nursery. There is always so much to do. Outside the children enjoy riding around on the bikes and cars, making mud pies in the gravel kitchen and building castles. Whilst inside they love dressing up, painting, cutting and sticking and making cakes in the play dough area They also enjoy sharing stories, learning new songs and nursery rhymes and playing lots of games.
Reading books
Each day your child will be able to change their reading book. Please make sure you sign your child's reading diary once they have shared their book with you.
School reading book bags can be purchased from the uniform shop, Monkhouse, The Rock, Bury.
Learning Logs
We set a simple homework challenge every Friday in a Learning Log book. This needs to be returned on the following Wednesday. Each week the children will be given the opportunity to share their work with the rest of the rest.
The Brush Bus
Every day the children in nursery are visited by the Brush Bus! Children are taught how to brush their teeth and the importance of cleaning their teeth at least twice a day.
You can see lots of photographs of your children enjoying themselves at nursery on this website. Keep checking for the latest post!
September 2019
It has been wonderful to welcome back all children and parents to our nursery class. All the children have now settled in well and have begun exploring our Early Years Unit.
This week we have begun our new topic based on the story book ‘Supertato’ by Sue Hendra. The children have been learning the names of different fruits and vegetables and how they grow, the names of different superheroes and their powers and have talked about how if they were a superhero what their special powers would be!
We have begun this term with each child planting their own bean seed and together we have made our very own own gigantic class beanstalk!
During this topic the children will also learn to count and sort different types of bean, recognise and order numbers on a beanstalk and play Jack and the Beanstalk roll the dice games. In English the children will learn how to write a simple set of instructions to grow a bean plant.
Look at how our beans have grown! The children have really enjoyed watching their bean seed grow and this week have taken them home to take care of at their homes. I wonder if they will go on a magical adventure just like Jack?
Below is a video of the nursery children performing their favourite song from our Christmas production.
This half term our ‘Learning Challenge’ is called
During this topic the children in nursery will be learning about the world in which they live. They will find out about different countries, their foods, languages and cultures. Much of the children’s work will center upon the book’Anna Hibiscus Song’ by Atinuke and Lauren Tobia a story about a little girl who lives in Africa with her family. The children will find out where Africa is on a globe and what life is like living in an African village. They will also explore African animals, dance to African music and make traditional African print art work. Within the story there is a strong emphasis on family and togetherness. The children will therefore be given lots of opportunities to talk about themselves and their family.
During this topic the children will explore the outdoor area and use scientific equipment to name and learn about different types of minibeast. The children will experience observing and even hold some minibeasts. They will also discover what they eat, where they live, how they move and many more interesting facts. The children will share lots of stories about minibeasts but in particular will closely read the books ‘Aaarrrgh Spider!’ by Lydia Monks, ‘Yucky Worms’ by Vivian French and ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ by Julia Donaldson. Throughout this topic the children will be provided with many opportunities to draw, paint and make the many different minibeasts they have discovered.
Below are some photo’s of when the children went on a minibeast hunt around the outdoor area. The children found lots of different types including spiders, woodlouse, ants and even dug under the ground to find a worm!
In this topic the children will be offered many opportunities to learn all about pirates – what they wore, how they talked, how they travelled and what adventures they went on. The children will listen to and share a variety of books, poems and songs with a pirate theme in particular, the books ‘Captain Yellow Belly’ and ‘The Night Pirates’.
The children will also dress up and pretend to be pirates and go on a hunt for treasure!
The children began this topic with the ‘WOW’ moment of coming into class to find a Winterwonderland! The investigated ice balloons and observed what changes took place to the ice when they sprinkled salt on top. You will see from the photographs below how much they enjoyed touching and talking about the ice.
During this topic the children will learn lots of information about the Arctic. They will find the answers to lots of questions including where in the world is the Arctic circle? Who lives there? What do the people who live there eat and what do they wear? Which animals live there?
The children will also experience many different activities including cutting paper to make snow flakes, creating their own igloos using sugar cubes and junk modelling, painting icy pictures on foil, making their own Inuit stone art work and much much more.
The children in nursery will be taught maths through an arctic theme. The children will be given the opportunity to count icicles, snow balls and snow flakes, find out how many snow balls they can throw into a bucket in 1 minute, count and measure who can build the tallest ice cube tower and use arctic animals to learn the positional language (on, under, below, next to) to name but a few.
In English the children will share and read a variety of books about Arctic and Inuit life, write a caption for a snowy picture, write labels for an Inuit boy and polar bear and write a letter to adopt a polar bear.