
Holy TrinityC of E Primary School

Living, loving and learning with God

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Year 5

Home Learning Week beginning 6th July 


As we are move into week 16 of our school closure, the children should also complete the three tasks at the bottom of the Home Learning Grid below.  Don’t forget to login to Purple Mash to complete this week’s homework tasks which have been set for you.


Remember to send images or videos of your completed work to so that we can celebrate our work upon this page. 

Home Learning grid 6th July

Further Learning.


I would highly recommend your child take part in the White Rose daily maths lessons. These will help them to continue to build on their maths skills outside the classroom. Please follow the weblink below (start from week 1 if you are just beginning to take part).


There are daily lessons upon BBC Bitesize for each day, Monday to Friday. Take a look Y5.


Please ensure your child reads to you for 15 minutes each day. I cannot stress enough the benefits of reading and it is vital that your children continue to read to an adult during this time away from the classroom.


Please contact me by emailing if you have any questions.  Also, if you use this email address to send me some photographs of your work, I can see what you have been doing and share some of it here.


We appreciate your co-operation during this time.

It was a difficult choice this week as many children submitted some wonderful pieces of work.  Remember to send any work you are proud of to or share it on the school display board upon Purple Mash.

Pupil Work.


Whilst researching Isaac Newton, a member of Year 5 noted that Newton developed his ideas on gravity whilst his school was closed due to plague. What amazing ideas could our Year 5 children imagine during these unprecedented times?


Below are just some samples of the excellent work class 5 have produced. Please send any additional work (from your packs, timetable tasks or independent projects) to  to be featured on these pages. 



Week 16

Week 15 Pupil Work

Week 14 Pupil Work

Week 13 Pupil Work

Week 12 Pupil Work

Week 11 Pupil Work

Week 10 Pupil Work

Week 9 Pupil Work

Week 8 Pupil Work

Week 7 Pupil Work

Week 6 Pupil Work

Week 5 Pupil Work

Week 4 Pupil Work

Week 3 Pupil Work

Week 2 Pupil Work

During the school closure, Mr Hutchinson has begun a gardening project, planting seeds within soil and exposing them to water and sunlight each day. As you can see in the gallery below, the seeds have germinated and the flowers/vegetables have begun to grow. This has required many to be repotted to give them more space to grow and soon they shall be moved outside.

Atiya also demonstrated the life cycle of a plant in 2Animate, recognising the seed needs soil, water and sunlight to successfully grow.

First News


For all First News fans, here is a link for you to read this week's edition of our popular children's newspaper:


