
Holy TrinityC of E Primary School

Living, loving and learning with God

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Welcome back children! (March 2021)


Hello children and parents of Reception!


We are so delighted to be able to open school for all of our Holy Trinity family. It will bring us great joy to see you on Monday 8th March, bright and early! The teachers have already been busy preparing for the 4 weeks of school which will take us up to the Easter holidays. 


Although we will be back together again, some things in school will remain slightly different as we all get used to being together again in the classrooms. 


There will be a heavy focus on our Prime Areas of Learning these being Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development.  We will provide lots of opportunities to talk. It is so important that we discuss our feelings, the changes we have faced and support the school community as it comes back together.


Over the first week we will be aiming to build up the children's stamina for learning, beginning with lots of opportunities to learn through play. We will reintroduce our school values; Love, Trust, Respect, Thanksgiving and Friendship and create some beautiful art and craft responses to each of these. 


To recapture the children's interest in learning, we will also be providing lots of play based activities which will capture imagination,  develop creative thinking and offer opportunities to explore and discover.


Getting back to formal full week learning will be difficult for us all after this period of lockdown. But as we always do at Holy Trinity, we will work together and succeed. 


If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact a member of staff. 


Thank you. 

Hello to the children and parents of Reception! laugh  (January 2021)


Due to Covid19, school is currently closed to most children. However, your teachers are still available to teach and support you.


Mrs Tonge teaches the class daily.

Mrs Parveen and Mrs Robinson support the children within class.


It has been such a strange start to 2021 for us all. However, during this lockdown, learning must continue. Class teachers are setting remote learning daily via your child's class page on ClassDojo.


Please head over to our Home Learning tab to learn more, or log straight onto Dojo to see which lessons await laugh

A Snap shot of Reception's Home Learning


   Hello and Welcome to Reception Class!


In our Reception class at Holy Trinity Primary School we aim to provide the very best early experiences of school life.  We work towards achieving the Early Learning Goals stated within the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.  Through high quality provision, interesting learning experiences and opportunities we will enable your child to achieve and reach their learning and development potential.  Children in our Reception class are encouraged to become independent learners and to take responsibility for initiating their own lines of enquiry and investigation through play.


Mrs Tonge is the Reception class teacher and is in school all week. 

Mrs Doughty is the Early Years Lead and will teach Reception on Monday morning.

Mrs Robinson and Mrs Parveen support the children within the class and are in school daily. 

Look what Early Years has got!!!!

A new class pet hamster!

The children Have enjoyed meeting their new pet and together we decided to name her Nibbles!

Here are some photos of them playing with her in her hamster ball.

Nibbles in her hamster ball!


Still image for this video


Still image for this video
On her wheel having fun!

Days of the week - Adam's Family

Enjoy the video and sing along to this famous tune learning the days of the week.

 It has been such a busy start of a new term and the children have now all settled well and have begun exploring their new classroom.


Here are some photographs of them enjoying themselves!

And here are some more photographs!!!

Can you spot your child having fun and making new friends?

Class Information

    Reading Books

Every Tuesday your child will be given a new reading book to take home to share with you.  Please return the book to school on Friday for it to be changed for the following week. 

At the start of Reception class the children will bring home a "pleasure for reading" book.  This book is to be shared with an adult and it is not expected that the child will be able to read every word.

For further help and information take a look inside your child's yellow reading record book or speak to a member of our Early Years Team.



Every Monday your child will have a P.E. lesson.  On this day your child is allowed to come to school wearing their full P.E. kit. (black jogging pants/leggings, white t-shirt and trainers).



Please can you ensure all your child's uniform is named including water bottle, coat and book bag.  It makes it much easier for us to reunite lost clothing when it has a name on it. 



Everyday the children take part in whole class mindfulness activities.  By listening to mindfulness music and completing simple breathing techniques the children in reception have learned how important it is to just slow down and be still for just a few minutes of their busy day. 

Below are some photographs of them enjoying their mindfulness activities.
