
Holy TrinityC of E Primary School

Living, loving and learning with God

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Summer 2

EAD - The children had so much fun taking part in our school Samba parade. Using the shakers they had made the danced and sang around the school playground and along the street!

Understanding the World - Today the children used their observational skills and looked carefully at some garden snails I had brought in from my garden. Some children were even brave enough to hold one!

Physical Development - Today the children walked down to Bury Athletics Club running track and took part in our annual sports day. The children enjoyed taking part in lots of activities including an egg and spoon race, long jump, balance a bean bag on your head race and soft javelin.

Understanding the World - Our EYFS trip to Smithills Farm.

RE - Special times - Wedding photographs! I think you'll agree, don't they look beautiful!

Understanding the World - ICT. The children have enjoyed learning to program the robot 'Bee Bot'. They programmed the robot to move forwards, backwards and to turn.

End of year assembly! Thank you to all the parents who were able to join us today to celebrate our end of year assembly in Early Years.
