
Holy TrinityC of E Primary School

Living, loving and learning with God

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Year 2

Welcome to Class 2


Class teachers: Ms Ali, Miss Entwistle, supported by Mrs Flint and Mrs Bi

Ms Ali teaches Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Entwistle teaches Thursday and Friday and Mrs Bi teaches Computing, R.E and Music.

Spring 2 - February 2020



*reading and studying “How to Find Gold” by Viviane Schwarz. Writing a set of instructions and retelling the story.

*continuing with our phonics and spelling programme called Read, Write Inc.


*focusing on division facts of 2, 5, 10 times tables.

*learning about measures including those related to time, temperature and mass.

*developing knowledge of money, making different amounts and receiving change.


*learning about the sinking of the Titanic as a key event beyond living memory


*learning about Easter and the symbols of the celebration


PSHE and Worship:

*core value: Friendship


*I Wanna Be In A Band - singing and playing together in an ensemble.




Things to note :


  • P.E = Monday
  • Learning log = Thursday
  • Spellings given on Monday, tested on Friday
  • Library = Friday


How to support at home :

  •  encourage reading as much as possible with a minimum of 15 minutes daily
  •  ask your child to make a given amount of money in different ways, eg: Can you make 38p? Show me another way using different coins.
  • The Year 2 expectation is for children to compare and sequence intervals of time
  • tell and write the time to five minutes, including quarter past/to the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times
  • know the number of minutes in an hour and the number of hours in a day



Spring Term 1 – January 2020


Our learning this term:

  • English:
    reading and studying “Stories From Around The World” with a focus on tales of Australian folklore.  
  • continuing with our phonics and spelling programme called Read, Write Inc.
  • Maths:
    focusing on subtraction eg: 20 – 17, 64 – 10, 83 – 60,

and more formal methods (see reverse)

multiplication of 10, 5, 2 times table and corresponding division facts.

  • Geography:
    learning about a contrasting locality; Australia, comparing similarities and differences to our own country, creating artwork to support learning
  • Science:
    understanding “What we do need to grow and survive?” focusing on basic needs of survival, growth, exercise and healthy bodies.  
  • Computing:
    learning how to research locality and facts
  • RE:
    learning about Jesus – a friend to everyone
  • PSHE and Worship: core value: Love
  • Music:


     Things to note :

  • P.E = Monday (please ensure correct PE kit is in school)

  • Learning log = Thursday

  • Spellings given on Monday, tested on Friday
  • Library = Friday


     How to support at home :

  •  encourage reading as much as possible with a minimum of 15 minutes daily
  •  recite quickfire number facts such as addition and subtraction facts within 20
  •  play “hit the button” (online)
  • encouraging independence, eg: dressing independently including buttons, socks/tights, tying shoelaces.
  • ensuring homework is complete and handed in weekly.


    We recently held a SATS meeting for parents and if would like to support your child at home there are some websites listed below for you to use together. If you were unable to attend please do not hesitate to contact Ms Ali or Miss Entwistle if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your continued support.

